All things being equal, .NET (Version 10.0) will run slower than Visual Basic (Version 8.11). We published the minimum requirements in February's newsletter; however, I think what most people want to know is the hardware configuration that will at least equal, if not exceed the speed of reports in 8.11. A rule of thumb is that a 10.0 "long" report will take 60% longer on the same computer. Keep in mind there are a lot of other critical variables like network routers, cables, servers and drive RPMs and access speeds.
Here are CPU ratings. Find your current CPUs (Computer/Properties), then compare the ratings of the high end CPUs. Just because a rating of one CPU is 2X that of another does not mean it will run a report 2X faster. In the benchmark below the first computer should have performed 1.846 X the second based on the ratings. In actuality it was around 1.25 X.
Benchmark: Trial Balance, Date Cash Exchanged, 60 month look-back, prior year display on, 38,000 records/year
AMD Athlon II X4 630 Processor, @ 2.8 Ghz, 6GB 64-Bit (3.250 rating)
- 8.11 3:34 (214 seconds) (1.266 x Lenovo)
- 10.0 5:48 (348 seconds) (1.25 x Lenovo) (162% speed of 8.11)
Lenovo Intel Core2 Duo, T400 @2.53 Ghz, 2GB, 32-Bit (1.76 rating)
- 8.11 4:31, (271 seconds)
- 10.0 7:15, (435 seconds) (160% speed of 8.11)