Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Staring Down the Monster

Check out the "Extra 2009" edition of Farm Futures magazine (farmfutures. com) for the cover story, "Staring down the monster--New budgeting tools help you thrive in uncertain times."

You'll find a synopsis of FBS's LifeCycle Budget software as the only planning tool that can incorporate historical and real-time data into your projections. LCB is a logical step for FBS and its clients as agriculture begins to take advantage of the accounting and planning processes used in other industries. A demo copy of LifeCycle Budget can be activated from any FBS 8.x CD and product literature can be downloaded from products page on our website.

Since I began using LCB in my operation, I've been projecting cash flow, income and break-evens 18 months or more into the future, monitoring deviations, constantly tweaking projected costs and revenues and tracking multiple scenarios to "bracket" all the uncertainties we face today.

While this issue of Farm Futures has not been published on-line yet, when it is, make sure you go to the "Farm Futures Now!" page to interact with FBS client and "bookworm," Ron Swanson. Here's the link:


  1. Norm

    Welcome to a new level of electronic communication. It will be interesting to see where goes.

    Haven't seen this issue of Farm Futures yet. Care to expound on the implications?

    Ron Swanson

  2. Ron, I see that your article in Farm Futures NOW! is up. I've just added a link in the main story so others can read.

    Good perspective!
